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Registered Dietitian Mia Syn was a guest on News 4 Jacksonville in a “How to Pack a Healthy Back-to-School Lunchbox” segment. She recommended Uncle Matt’s Organic No Sugar Added Lemonade, Strawberry Lemonade and Superfruit Punch juice boxes to pack for school lunch!

Registered Dietitian, Roxana Ehsani, was a guest on South Florida Live on NBC Miami in a “National Fruits & Veggies Month” segment where she recommended Uncle Matt’s Organic Pulp Free Orange Juice and Orange Juice with Calcium & Vitamin D as an easy and delicious way to get in a serving of fruit in the morning.

Parenting Contributor Carly Dorogi shares Uncle Matt’s Organic Orange Light and No Sugar Added Lemonade and Strawberry Lemonade Juice Boxes on ABC Tampa. As a part of her Mother’s Day tour, she also visited FOX40 Sacramento, ABC Good Morning Washington in Washington D.C. and CBS We Are Austin.

Registered Dietitian Carissa Galloway recommends Uncle Matt’s Ultimate Immune on CBS “Virginia this Morning” in Richmond. 

Registered Dietitian Jamie Lee McIntyre shares Uncle Matt’s No Sugar Added Lemonades on ABC “San Diego Connect.”

Registered Dietitian Carissa Galloway talks Uncle Matt’s Ultimate Immune on NBC “Good Day NWA” in Arkansas.

Brand Spokesperson and Parenting Contributor Carly Dorogi recommends Uncle Matt’s Organic Orange Light and Ultimate Immune on PIX11 “New York Live.”

Brand Spokesperson and Parenting Contributor Carly Dorogi shares Uncle Matt’s Ultimate Defense and Ultimate Immune on ABC Tampa Bay’s “Morning Blend.”

Registered Dietitian Carissa Galloway talks Uncle Matt’s Ultimate Defense on CBS “Plugged in Atlanta.”